Choosing a sales closing technique is kind of like approaching the finish line of a race. You’ve put in the effort, built the relationship and now it’s time to clinch it. The overall goal is to turn a potential sale into a done deal, convincing the prospect that you have the best promo solution for them.

Amy Copadis, a content marketer at Close, likens the process to stand-up comedy. She says you need to know your routine but also be ready to react to the audience. She’s rounded up some sales closing techniques that are persuasive enough to land the deal. We dive into these techniques in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

  1. The "Columbo" close. Columbo, the TV detective popular in the 1970s, always said, “Just one more thing …” You can use this closing technique to get the prospect to stick around when you think they’re ready to end the conversation. Say something like, “Before we finish the call, I just want to share one case study with you from a company that’s similar to yours.” According to Copadis, this approach works best when you haven’t revealed the best part of your solution and you have a feeling the prospect is on their way out.

  2. The assumptive close. With this closing technique, you use language that indicates you believe the sale is a done deal. You might say, “If we sign the contract today, I can have your promo to you by next Friday. How does that sound?” Copadis says it’s perfect for situations when you’re working with someone you already know and you know your solution is a great fit for their needs.

  3. The takeaway close. This is a good technique to use when the prospect is giving multiple excuses, asking for discounts or otherwise stalling the deal. If you’ve already laid out the benefits and the prospect is still avoiding pulling the trigger, Copadis recommends taking the deal off the table. When you refuse to desperately meet their demands, you can earn prospects’ respect. You can simply say, “That won’t work for us. The best deal we can offer you it the one already on the table.”

  4. The summary close. When you use this closing technique, you’re essentially summarizing your promo solution and highlighting how it can solve your prospects’ main challenges. Copadis says it works best when you know your solution is a good fit and your lead needs a quick reminder of everything they agreed would work for them.

  5. The question close. Use this approach when the prospect seems perpetually undecided but isn’t explaining why they can’t decide. Copadis recommends asking probing questions that force the prospect to explain why something doesn’t work for them. You could say, “Why does this timeframe seem rushed to you?” or “Have you considered the opportunity cost of delaying this purchase?”

  6. The suggestion close. If you have a strong personal relationship with your prospect, this approach can be effective. It’s not the best option if you don’t know your lead well, Copadis says. With this approach, you offer your opinion on what works best. Explain how closing now will lead to bigger benefits for their business.

You can pick from numerous sales closing techniques, each with its own benefits and potential downsides. By thoughtfully choosing the best one for each prospect, you can spark interest, create a sense of urgency and demonstrate the value of your solution.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Amy Copadis is a content marketer at Close, researching and writing content for sales teams and startups.