When it comes to getting the best out of your sales team, it's critical to help them understand their purpose. Studies have shown that employees with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to be happy and effective on the job. They're also more productive and focused on results.

While it's ideal for all sales teams to foster a sense of purpose, entrepreneur Lolly Daskal says many leaders fall short in cultivating purpose-driven professionals. From smaller budgets to increased demands, there are many reasons for a loss of purpose. Fortunately, Daskal says leaders can encourage each employee on their team to stay connected to their purpose.

In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Daskal's tips for helping your team members feel their purpose.

Make it personal. Purpose can't come from a directive. It has to be felt, says Daskal. It's not enough to talk about it. You need to show it and live it every day to set the tone.

Connect to a greater cause. For people to feel a sense of pride in what they do, they need to know that they are making a difference in people's lives. If you can connect your organization's success to the benefit of society at large, to show how it serves a greater cause, people will find not only pride but also meaning in their day-to-day grind.

Offer frequent recognition. Daskal recommends giving people frequent recognition for their work, showing how it contributes to the greater goals of the organization. When you do, people feel valued and connected, and they want to do more and be more.

Promote self-development. When you provide opportunities for ongoing training and development, both professionally and personally, you energize people and set them up for long-term success, according to Daskal. Investing in your people is an effective way to keep them motivated, loyal and connected to a sense of purpose.

Spread the positivity. To deepen connections between your team and the people they're serving in their work, encourage group or individual involvement in a volunteer project—ideally one related to the work you do. For example, Daskal says if one of your clients is a publisher, look for a program working with adult literacy or children's reading. Encourage mentorship and shared expertise, too. As a bonus, the bonds between team members will be strengthened as well.

Keep purpose at the center. When you center your team and your own leadership on shared purpose, it becomes internalized and in time grows to become the focus of the workplace culture, Daskal says. For your team to know who they are and how they make a difference all starts by leading from within.

If your team members have lost sight of the bigger picture or if you feel they're just going through the motions, you may have a purpose problem. You can help your employees refocus on the meaning and value of their work by considering the guidance above.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Lolly Daskal is the founder of Lead from Within, a global consultancy that works with clients that range from heads of state and CEOs of large multinational companies to budding entrepreneurs. Daskal's coaching, consulting and speaking uses a heart-based leadership approach designed to help people to achieve their full potential to make a difference in the world.