Today’s workplaces are more diverse than ever before, with five generations working together. From baby boomers to Gen Z, many promo companies resemble a generational melting pot. Each group brings unique perspectives and work styles. How can leaders leverage all this talent? The answer: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

Whether you’re a seasoned promo leader or a newly appointed manager, you can follow a few strategies to lead a multigenerational team effectively.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share some tips from Amanda Cardoso, a writer for The Muse, on how to lead employees with significant age gaps. 

  1. Find a communications common ground. Different age groups prefer different communication channels and use distinct vocabulary. For example, Cardoso says Gen Z employees are experts in memes and emojis, while this may not be the case with older employees. To lead well, aim to find a common ground that brings the whole team together and doesn’t exclude anyone.

  2. Choose the right channels. Boomers and Gen X professionals are used to interacting in person, while millennials and Gen Z professionals may prefer emails over meetings. Understanding these differences is crucial to communicating with a multigenerational team, Cardoso says.

  3. Squelch stereotypes. Avoid broad generalizations like “millennials are lazy” or “boomers are out of touch.” Cardoso says every generation has its own characteristics based on the time they were born into. Just be wary about overgeneralizing things. It’s unhelpful and can cloud your judgment, she says.

  4. Make it easy to share knowledge. Younger employees can learn from more experienced employees and vice versa. If your promo company doesn’t have a mentorship program, think about starting one. All generations can benefit from others’ expertise, Cardoso says.
  5. Leverage unique talents and skill sets. Leading a multigenerational team means you have access to a diverse range of skills. Tap into this diversity by using each generation’s strengths. Cardoso says it’s a leader’s job to learn how to use each talent effectively.

  6. Offer career development opportunities. Along with avoiding stereotypes, make sure you don’t assume what each generation wants from their career. Instead, Cardoso recommends creating a career development plan that ensures all employees can access growth opportunities. Doing so can give employees a bigger sense of purpose and satisfaction.

With multiple generations joining forces at work, there’s certainly a unique dynamic unfolding. Take time to learn how to leverage the strengths of each generation. When you do, you can create a powerhouse promo team.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Amanda Cardoso is a journalist and SEO writer at The Muse, a recruitment and career advice site.