The average person receives more than 120 emails every day, from work emails to promotional emails to spam. If you’re not diligent about keeping up with these emails, they can quickly stack up and clutter your inbox. Email overload can lead to increased stress, decreased productivity, missed deadlines and more.

How can you overcome an overflowing inbox at work? James Alston, a content marketer, contributed a piece to the Mailbutler blog that explains how you can regain control of your emails. We highlight his guidance in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

1. Establish times to check email. You may feel as though you need to respond immediately to every message that pops up in your inbox. However, Alston says it’s perfectly OK to close your email and only check in during designated times. This can help you stay focused and promote productivity.

2. Prioritize your emails. Some messages are more important than others. If you want to get a handle on your inbox, you have to learn the art of prioritization. Alston says high-priority emails – like those from your clients or boss – should get your immediate attention, while the others get sidelined for when you have a spare moment.

3. Use folders and filters. At home, an organized closet can help you find your favorite apparel. At work, an organized inbox helps you find messages when you need them. Alston suggests creating different filters and folders for different types of emails. You’ll be amazed at how much time you can save by now rifling through a messy inbox, he says.

4. Be ruthless about unsubscribing. If you get emails that no longer serve a purpose, unsubscribe from that list. It’ll leave you more time for the messages that add value to your workday.

5. Try the two-minute rule. If responding to an email will take two minutes or less, Alston recommends doing so immediately. This quick-fire approach prevents small tasks from snowballing into a massive, stress-inducing to-do list, he says.

6. Use other tools for quick collaboration. Instead of going back and forth on email, try messaging your coworkers on Slack or Microsoft Teams. Alston says this keeps your inbox from getting inundated and can help make your communication more efficient.

Email is undoubtedly a critical communication tool. Instead of letting an influx of messages take over your inbox, follow the tips above to streamline your email process.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: James Alston is a content marketer and contributor for the Mailbutler blog.