Category: Supplier
Top executive(s): Robert Spector, president
Headquarters: St. Laurent, Quebec
Founded: 1950
Employees: 89
Benefits/unique perks: Medical, dental, life and dependent life insurance, holiday event and summer barbecues (on hold due to Covid), PTO for birthdays, dress-up days
What employees say: “Spector & Co. is a great company to work for. It really is an all-for-one-and-one-for-all mentality here, where we all chip in to help one another. You’ll see managers end up in production helping out when needed.”  

What Spector and Co.'s Robert Spector says: "I feel the most important part of a flourishing culture is the ability to withstand difficult and challenging periods. It’s easy to stay true to your values in good times. It is during these times that we felt the need to continue to empower our team, support them unconditionally and give them the resources to allow them to be successful."