Category: Distributor
Top executive(s): Mitch Silver, vice president of sales and marketing
Headquarters: Chicago
Founded: 1993
Employees: 9
Benefits/unique perks: profit-sharing, unlimited PTO, quarterly bonuses and years-of-service bonuses, reduced summer work hours, flexible and remote scheduling, massage therapist services; listening to VP Mitch Silver’s “dad jokes”
What employees say: “Printable Promotions is a results-only work environment, and where and when you work is flexible and supported.… We have fun together and have built a culture that makes me want to come to work every day to succeed together as a team.”

What Mitch Silver, VP of Sales and Marketing, says: “Over the past year we have worked hard to live one of our core values: have fun and show passion. To accomplish this in a hybrid work environment we had to get creative. We hold frequent team ‘happy hours’ where a team member is in charge of coming up with a virtual team activity. We also have quarterly team events where everyone flies into our Chicago headquarters for a week to discuss best practices, record goofy videos and TikToks, and enjoy great Chicago food and drink!”