PPAI 100 is an exclusive, research-backed ranking of the 100 leading distributors and the 100 leading suppliers in the promotional products industry. Companies are scored based on a variety of metrics.

Proforma (PPAI 196835, Platinum) has become a magnet in the industry, attracting the most recognizable names to the “technology and business success leader.” Over the past year, the Independence, Ohio-based firm has gained Charity Gibson as chief marketing officer and Meg Erber as director of sales, among other notable hires. Plus, the company reached a major milestone with the launch of its 10,000th e-commerce store and the implementation of its Certified Brand Specialist certification program, which integrates technology and automation with comprehensive training to equip its distributor owners with the tools and knowledge to succeed in today’s business landscape.

PPAI 100 Percentile By Category

2023 Revenue: $638 million
Three-Year Trend: +9.2%
2023 PPAI 100 Ranking: 5
High Marks: 2023 Revenue, Growth, Industry Faith, Professional Development, Innovation, Online Presence

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