PPAI 100 is an exclusive, research-backed ranking of the 100 leading distributors and the 100 leading suppliers in the promotional products industry. Companies are scored based on a variety of metrics.

AIMSmarter (PPAI 230461, Platinum) continues to be one of the most forward-thinking organizations in the promo industry. With more than 2,400 members, the Philadelphia-based distributor network has again earned PPAI 100 High Marks in the Professional Development category for expanding its DEI educational program to include courses on ESG, corporate responsibility and protecting human rights in the supply chain. Practicing what it preaches, AIMSmarter donates to nonprofits like the Wildland Firefighter Foundation and has even adopted an animal sanctuary in New York.

PPAI 100 Percentile By Category

2023 Revenue: $169.3 million (estimate)
Three-Year Trend: +18.8%
2023 PPAI 100 Ranking: 26
High Marks: 2023 Revenue, Professional Development, Innovation

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