While modern life is increasingly digital, consumers are still interested in more traditional, physical interactions with businesses. Amazon, which has already moved into the retail space with its brick-and-mortar stores and purchase of Whole Foods, will reportedly take another non-digital step and publish a printed toy catalog for the holiday season.

Amazon’s catalog joins annual toy catalogs published by Walmart and Target, and fills a gap left by the recently defunct Toys “R” Us. Since 2007, Amazon has released an online list of what it projects to be the hot toys of the holiday season, but this would be its first foray into print catalogs.

The catalogs will be mailed to U.S. households and available in Whole Foods stores. Bloomberg, which first reported Amazon’s catalog plans, notes, “The move is part of Amazon’s push to incorporate traditional retailers’ tools into its business model.”

Amazon has yet to comment on Bloomberg’s report.