Remi Walle  /

Volunteers play a vital role in PPAI’s success. This sixth installment of an ongoing PPB series introducing the volunteers and initiatives that have helped make the Association what it is today, chats with Joshua Pospisil, marketing manager at KTI Promo in Houston, Texas, and member of the Regional Association Council (RAC) board and vice president of the Houston Promotional Products Association (HPPA) board.

PPB  How did you get your start in industry volunteer work?

Joshua Pospisil I took a complete chance and leap of faith when HPPA sent out an email for self-nominations for its board. I had been to an HPPA meeting in the past and had attended the HPPA Hot Stuff show on behalf of KTI Promo and I knew they were a great group of people, so I thought ‘why not, let’s throw my hat in the ring and see what happens.’ I was also a baby in the industry and figured this would be a great way to really immerse myself and meet lots of new people. By some stroke of luck, I ended up winning the election and was named co-chair for social media with Shannon Loredo. We were a match made in heaven. Then later that year I was asked to be the vice president for 2020 and then the president of HPPA in 2021. It has been awesome, even dealing with the crazy year 2020 has been. I am very much looking forward to 2021 and seeing what we can accomplish.

PPB  What accomplishments as a volunteer are you most proud of?

Pospisil Just being able to meet so many people and spread the word of the promo industry and how awesome it is. I absolutely love this industry and want to make sure I shout it out from the rooftops for all to hear. Also, I have to give a major shout-out to Shannon Loredo, my partner in crime on the HPPA board. When I was her co-chair for social, we worked as a true team to build an audience on Facebook and Instagram to get as many eyes on HPPA as possible. I am also proud of being a part of the Marketing Committee for the HPPA Hot Stuff Show and coming up with new and fresh ideas to try and get as many people into the show as possible.

Then, this past year, I was lucky enough to join the RAC board. I mean, I am not sure it gets any better than that. I never thought in a million years I would be so lucky to be on a board with such accomplished individuals. It is awesome being able to be a part of a group that oversees all the local associations and gets to help them be the best they can be.

PPB  What advice would you give someone considering becoming a volunteer in our industry?

Pospisil Like the Nike slogan says … just do it! Volunteer as much as you can. Go to events and meetings; you will meet amazing people and create life-long relationships. You will learn so much. This industry, while large, is like one big family.  


James Khattak is news editor of PPB.